Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Fallout 3

I'm confused at how different Fallout 3 is on the pc and ps3. So far after one play through on the PC, and a partial on the ps3 how much harder the Ps3 is. Well, not harder exactly ... but the amount of ammo on the ps3 is a lot scarcer. This evening, I started a new character and took her to level 4 just outside of greyditch, after visiting Arefu and some of the local traders (so i can fast travel to known ammo sellers), and by the time I started the main part of the greyditch questline (after clearing the Super Mart and the early Arefu stuff) I had well over 300 rounds for the laser gun, and 120 or so for the assault rifle, but only a few dozen for the hunting rifle. The ps3 version? No ammo for the laser gun, and no ammo for the rifle, and only 30 or so for the assault. Same areas cleared, no less.

Debating starting over on the ps3 one, but I need those trophies.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

just testing stuff

Hoping this works. I'd like to see if i can start posting here instead of Myspace and Lj, since this looks to be easier to use, and quicker to post.
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Monday, March 17, 2008


I totally forgot I had a blog here.